Saturday, January 23, 2016

CaptureFix Pro for Pentax 645z

Since introducing CaptureFix for the Pentax 645z in 2014, my tool is being used by professionals around the world to get 645Z DNG files into CaptureOne. While Lightroom offers the ability to process files without change, it has a far less sophisticated RAW processing engine, and is overall much slower when handling files. Quite frankly, there is no comparison, so if you are used to working with CaptureOne, or if you want to make sure to get the best skin tones and overall control over your images, there really isn’t any other solution out there. This is where CaptureFix comes in: it enables seamless hot folder tethering or batch import. I am happy to announce CaptureFix Pro, which improves on the older version by adding streamlined settings, faster processing, and the ability to store previously selected paths for its input and output folders. The idea behind this is that once configured, all you have to do is click start and have your files processed.

If you have already subscribed to my newsletter recently, and have been receiving updates vial email, there is nothing you have to do in order to be able to get invited to the pro version. You will automatically receive an email with detailed information on what’s new, and how to download.

If you have not yet signed up, please do so and get the latest version of CaptureFix for free, as well as tips on how to get the most out of your camera. You will be automatically sent an email with details about CaptureFix Pro, and if you continue to remain subscribed, will receive free valuable tips about CaptureOne usage, and future update information.

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CaptureFix Pro for Pentax 645z

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